Full Professor of Political Science at Yale University.


I’m currently a Full Professor in the Political Science department at Yale University. I'm also a Faculty Fellow with Yale’s Institute for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS), where I lead a research agenda on Citizens' Assemblies within Democratic Innovations, a new ISPS program designed to identify and test ideas for improving the quality of democratic representation and governance.

Since 2022 I'm also a Distinguished Researcher at the Institute for Ethics in AI at the University of Oxford.

In 2022-23 I served on the governance board of the French citizens’ convention on end of life organized by the CESE (Economic, Social and Environmental Council).

I'm also part of the group of female researchers (led by Isabelle Ferreras, Julie Battilana, and Dominique Méda) who started the movement Democratizing Work in May 2020. 

I'm also a strategic advisor to the non-profit organization Democracy Next.  

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Open Democracy

Princeton University Press

Release: October 13, 2020

Open Democracy develops a new paradigm of democracy in which the exercise of power is as little gated as possible, even as it depends on representative structures to make it possible. In this version of popular rule, power is equally open to all, as opposed to just those who happen to stand out in the eyes of others (as in electoral democracies). The book centrally defends the use of non-electoral yet democratic forms of representation, including “lottocratic,” “self-selected,” and “liquid” representation.

Ezra Klein Interviews Hélène Landemore

A Radical Proposal for True Democracy. What if the solution to our dysfunctional politics is to get rid of the politicians?

New York Times’ The Ezra Klein Show.” on Feb. 23, 2021

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Illustration by The New York Times. All rights reserved.